Monday, May 21, 2012

My how fast they grow

The morning I found out I was pregnant was a very typical morning for me. I woke up, took a pregnancy test (don't you all do that too? haha), laid it on the bathroom counter, went downstairs to get some coffee and got back in the bed to watch Matt Lauer....forgetting all about the pregnancy test. About a half hour later I went to take a shower when I realized I never checked the test. No big deal, since they have all been negative for the past 19 or so months. Until now....

See that faint line under the arrow? Yeah, I know you might have to squint. That is the prettiest pink line I have ever seen! I stared at that thing six ways from Sunday trying to make sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me. I have tried many times before to think I saw a line, but this was the first time there was actually something there. So of course I did what anyone else would do. I carried it around with me in my purse all day to make sure the line didn't disappear. I was useless that day at work.

Waiting for Josh to get home from work so I could tell him was torture. I didn't have anything cute planned on how to tell him. When you've been through some of the things we have, there is no big TV moment of telling your husband he is going to be a dad. So as soon as he got home I just showed him the test and said "I think we are pregnant!" I guess the faint line didn't quite knock him down like it did me, because he didn't believe it. Yes, he said he could see the pink line, but since it was so faint he was hard to fully convince. I told him "you can't be just a little bit pregnant. A line, is a line, is a line!" We agreed that I would get a real pregnancy test (one that didn't come from the internet) the next day.

So the next day I went to Target and used my birthday gift cards to buy two boxes of pregnancy tests. Don't judge, I'm cheap. And besides, what else could a girl want with her Target gift card?! It would turn out to be the best birthday purchase ever because those two boxes produced these two test results.

I text Josh a picture of both of them and asked if this was proof enough for him. I guess sometimes men just need it spelled out for them! :-)

From those two pink lines came this miracle....

6 weeks

7 weeks

8 weeks
12 weeks 3D - He/She is already smiling!


  1. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing! Love you all 3 very much!! Love Aunt Sara

  2. this post made me cry! I can't imagine trying for a baby for that long! I'm so glad that you finally got your little miracle.
