As I'm sure most of you know by now, it's a...
GIRL! We are over the moon excited about being team pink! Full discloser, our doctor actually told us that he was 90% sure we were having a girl at our 12 week appointment, but before we shouted it to the world, we wanted to make sure our baby girl didn't grow anything between her legs. So below is the money shot we were looking for...or as my doctor called it, "a hamburger, not a hotdog."
I've been wanting to do weekly bump updates, so I guess starting at 16 weeks is better late than never.
- Total weight gain: 8 lbs. (It's all boobs, I tell ya, ALL boobs!)
- Maternity clothes: Just my jeans. All my other clothes are regular.
- Stretch marks: No. When are you supposed to start greasing your belly up?
- Sleep: Sleep has been normal, although Josh might disagree with you. He says I toss and turn all night...and snore.
- Best moment this week: Being able to officially confirm we are having a GIRL!
- Miss Anything: Margaritas...this answer might never change. :-)
- Movement: Yes, I've been feeling tiny little flutters!
- Food cravings: Ketchup, macaroni and tomatoes (it's a family food).
- Food aversions: I haven't really been into Mexican food...shocker, I know. But that might also have to do with the fact that I can't have a margarita with it.
- Labor Signs: Definitely not!
- Symptoms: I've been sick this week with an awful cold, so that has overpowered any pregnancy symptoms I might have.
- Belly Button in or out? In, but definitely getting more shallow. I can actually see the bottom of it now...weird.
- Looking forward to: Ready to really feel her kick and for Josh to be able to feel her too. And registering for baby items.
- Weekly Wisdom: Don't assume you know what someone has gone through in their journey to become parents.